Astrology is a Designed Script on your life path, your life experiences and choices. You can know what your soul intends to accomplish here on Earth, and how well your true goals have thus far been realized. Individually Designed Script is determined by one's ultimate thoughts and beliefs and Designed Script can be changed by consciously changing beliefs and by using Free Will.
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Best reason to study Astrology is to obtain a huge spiritual release. This "release" occurs when a veil of ignorance is lifted, and one sees the pattern of life events unfolding according to the planetary script.
Planetary placements that involve squares (right angles), oppositions (180 degrees) or in conjunct (150 degrees) and by house position will reveal a lesson area, an area where pain maybe experienced showing a pay back of karmic situations. The Karma that you have with yourself may concern money, love, relationships, career, business, goals, health, home, security of self, independence, enemies and all kinds of things. If you have squares in your life, this implies a debt, so the challenge is to overcome certain lessons we failed to learn in previous lives. Oppositions mean that you are born into a situation where you can create unrealistic goals, or, show catalyzing situations where you would create people in your life that may also manifest pain and karmic growth for you.
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Best reason to study Astrology is to obtain a huge spiritual release. This "release" occurs when a veil of ignorance is lifted, and one sees the pattern of life events unfolding according to the planetary script.
Malefic graha and their yogas are excellent indicators of negative attachments called "afflicted emotions" such as anger, greed, and hatred. It is wise to take account of the major natural malefics - Shani, Kuja, Rahu and Ketu.
The Education of Astrology helps calms the mind. Through awareness of the repeating patterns in the stars and their reflected actions in human life on Earth, one comes to realize that the flow of life's experiences is largely pre-mapped. Although it can certainly be redirected through conscious change.
Awareness of the co-created life patterns seen through divination of Astrology can induce calm receptivity to divine beneficence and indeed a state of gratitude for the opportunity to take birth. Astrology can itself become a primary spiritual practice. In fact the spirit has a very precise plan for what it intends to accomplish in each lifetime, and how, and why. Knowing the map of this plan - even in broad outlines - allows one to take a neutral, observer's position while releasing the compulsion to blame and judge others.
By showing the structure of each soul's earthly plan and purpose, the Astrology offers a powerful spiritual path toward the final liberation of forgiveness, and is thus a major yoga for healing pain in the soul.
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Your Divine Soul Plan reveals the true purpose of your soul incarnating on Earth. It Includes 1. Life Lessons, 2. Life Purpose, 3. Psychological Imbalances, 4. Areas of Imbalance, 5. Karmic Lessons, 6. Karmic Traits, 7. Karmic Debt, 8. Personality Traits.
There are in total 254 possible energies or soul-traits a soul could be working in its current lifetime. On average, a typical soul will be working 28 of these energies. This means there are billions of unique possible combinations, meaning every soul will be working a very uniquely different make-up of energies. These 28 energies reveal your soul's chosen life lessons, spiritual missions, karma, soul imbalances, and personality traits. Your soul has elected to bring in these energies to balance past-life energy, overcome your fears, and to grow spiritually.
Your Astrological Divine Soul Plan will help you to understand why you are facing difficult experiences in your life and experiencing certain fears and frustrations, why you react negatively to certain experiences in your life, and what specific goals your soul has set out for you to accomplish during your present incarnation.
Mastering your life lessons in Astrological Divine Soul Plan is not easy and requires you to face your fears behind each lesson. These are fears you have not worked through in your past lifetimes, and if not faced, will manifest in your life in negative ways. Psychological imbalances are your fear-based thoughts, beliefs and attitudes you have carried into this lifetime to correct this time around. You are wise to examine these closely, more than any other aspect of your Astrological chart.
Karmic lessons in Astrological Divine Soul Plan are areas of your life you have failed to balance in your previous lifetimes. You have either, overdone and abused the energy of the karmic lesson or you have been too passive and avoided it, or a combination of both.
Karmic debt in Astrological Divine Soul Plan indicates pain and suffering you have caused others during your past life or lifetimes usually as a result of putting your own needs ahead of others, which now needs to be repaid.
Your Astrological Divine Soul Plan will help you to understand what is your Primary life purpose and a Secondary life purpose.
Your Astrological Divine Soul Plan will help you to understand Areas of Imbalance. Areas of Imbalance points to where you have gone to excess with a particular energy or vibration in your past lives. The degree of each imbalance varies considerably from either mild or significant, to major or chronic.
Karmic traits in Astrological Divine Soul Plan are tendencies expressed in past lifetimes, which still remain in your soul and express themselves through your current personality. By recognizing these Karmic traits in this lifetime, you can transmute the negative and integrate the positive.
Personality traits in Astrological Divine Soul Plan include negative ego traits, positive soul traits and desires, and chosen outer personality traits to balance out negative ego traits.
To Know your Karma through Astrology, Please Read KamaAstl.htm
When you are born, every cell in your body adheres to the frozen picture of the planets at birth. It's like a circuit imprint that's formed at birth to be a reflection of one's Dharma (purpose and destiny) and Karma (debt).
Physiologically, at the moment of birth, the neurons of the brain form a specific pattern, which has been scientifically documented, and this sets up the personality of the individual.
So when you are born into any particular lifetime, you are born with a particular cosmic charge. This occurs upon inhaling that first breath, and reflects the planetary locations (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto), and the zodiacal sign that is rising in the East from your birthplace.
These elements are the things that Astrologers can examine in a your chart and identify what your Karma is. For example, any square aspect you have, when planets are at right angles to each other, indicates your karmic debt.
Understanding Astrology, by getting your chart produced, and tuning into things such as Karma and learning what the words square and opposition means, will help you understand which area of pain may focus the hardest with you. Your biggest Karma may be childhood, just fighting your way out of it or trying to get along with brutal parents. This could be a way to understand where the peace needs to be made, and subsequently processed. It could be with your emotions, with your mother, friends, or with all of your relationships. It could also be with goals, career, communication, and finances. Astrology will help to identify your own personal map of Karma and it is a great way to rebirth into the Spirit.
Afflicted planets in a chart are those that form specific aspects, or angles, such as squares. A square depicts two planets, at right angles, with the Earth in the center (as center focus). Oppositions are when two planets are exactly opposite each other, with the Earth in the middle. You could be torn with the Moon in one point of the sky, and if you drew a straight line from the Moon to the Earth, and all the way threw the Earth to the other side, you might find the Sun. This would be a Moon opposition Sun. These might be planetary aspects that you're born with. With squares, or oppositions, these diagrams are Karma, or the debts we owe for a particular lifetime. Everybody has Karma whether your born Karma free or not. Without any squares or oppositions in your chart, the moving planets form squares and other aspects to the fixed position of natal planets during ones' life (which is the basis of forecasting). This daily movement with respect to the natal chart is known as transits.
The signs of the Zodiac are magnificent stellar constellations. When we say that you have Mercury in Cancer or Gemini, that means that Mercury is located in space in the stellar constellation or grouping known as Cancer or Gemini. That's how we identify energies at birth, freezing the planets that are moving in space, through the signs, during your birth. There are all kinds of stellar constellations out there in space; The Sun, Moon and the planets, follow an orbit called the Ecliptic—which is a flat orbit. The Earth also orbits the Sun along the Ecliptic, so the planets including the Sun and Moon, do not wander beyond the twelve Signs of the Zodiac.
One of the main factors in distinguishing a karmic lesson is Saturn, as this planet is the lord of Karma. If Saturn signifies obstacles and limitations in life, it is because either your desired goal was incorrect, or a karmic reaction has been imposed. As such, Saturn's placement in your chart can indicate the areas in life that one needs to work on. Saturn's movement with time, through your natal chart, induces various scenarios to force growth in certain directions. When we ignore our real goals, certain crises' can occur in adulthood as Saturn orbits the Zodiac forming particular stressful aspects to the natal chart. Therefore, if you fail to conform to certain ways in this life, Saturn is always there to induce a karmic lesson, either immediately or in the future.
Saturn remains in one Zodiac sign for an average of two and a half years, so a whole karmic generation of Saturn people enter life during that two and a half year period. For example, people with major karmic lessons concerning Sagittarius energy and forces (meaning freedom happiness, philosophy, travel, sometimes sports, and animals) form a Karma here. It takes Saturn about twenty-nine years to circle the Sun, from our point of view, covering all twelve signs of the Zodiac. The type of Karma that each baby will have during the two and a half years of Saturn in any sign, although similar, will further depend on its aspects to other planets, the location of the house, and whether it's retrograde or not (Saturn retrograde tends to open up the energies of Uranus).
As an example; consider Saturn in the sign of Leo, positioned in the first house. Saturn/Leo is Karma with family, but Saturn in the first house is the most karmic position for this planet, particularly if this planet is intensified by being close to the Ascendant line. The first house depicts how you interface with the world, your appearance, self-esteem, and childhood. So an individual born with this placement would have childhood and self-esteem Karma. If Saturn has stressful aspects applied from other planets, there could be a very painful childhood and an inner security problem. This would be a result of some unfortunate action in a past life, where the person probably ignored forming a loving family bond, and directed his/her attention to selfish matters such as career.
There are all kinds of Karma that a person can have in a lifetime which may be revealed when examining the birth chart in general. Astrology allows for an analysis to understand ones' passion, pain or pleasure-pain syndrome. By zeroing in on what sign and house Saturn is in, and what types of aspects are formed from other planets, a significant karmic picture can be generated. Aspects between Saturn, and the Moon, Rising Sign, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Sun, under square and opposition, are going to have more of a severe significant effect Karmically. Of course aspects between other planets can signify Karma, but Saturn tends to be generally more prolific. Saturn contracts situations, events and opportunity.
The signs of the Zodiac are magnificent stellar constellations. When we say that you have Mercury in Cancer or Gemini, that means that Mercury is located in space in the stellar constellation or grouping known as Cancer or Gemini. That's how we identify energies at birth, freezing the planets that are moving in space, through the signs, during your birth. There are all kinds of stellar constellations out there in space; The Sun, Moon and the planets, follow an orbit called the Ecliptic—which is a flat orbit. The Earth also orbits the Sun along the Ecliptic, so the planets including the Sun and Moon, do not wander beyond the twelve Signs of the Zodiac.
One of the main factors in distinguishing a karmic lesson is Saturn, as this planet is the lord of Karma. If Saturn signifies obstacles and limitations in life, it is because either your desired goal was incorrect, or a karmic reaction has been imposed. As such, Saturn's placement in your chart can indicate the areas in life that one needs to work on. Saturn's movement with time, through your natal chart, induces various scenarios to force growth in certain directions. When we ignore our real goals, certain crises' can occur in adulthood as Saturn orbits the Zodiac forming particular stressful aspects to the natal chart. Therefore, if you fail to conform to certain ways in this life, Saturn is always there to induce a karmic lesson, either immediately or in the future.
Saturn remains in one Zodiac sign for an average of two and a half years, so a whole karmic generation of Saturn people enter life during that two and a half year period. For example, people with major karmic lessons concerning Sagittarius energy and forces (meaning freedom happiness, philosophy, travel, sometimes sports, and animals) form a Karma here. It takes Saturn about twenty-nine years to circle the Sun, from our point of view, covering all twelve signs of the Zodiac. The type of Karma that each baby will have during the two and a half years of Saturn in any sign, although similar, will further depend on its aspects to other planets, the location of the house, and whether it's retrograde or not (Saturn retrograde tends to open up the energies of Uranus).
As an example; consider Saturn in the sign of Leo, positioned in the first house. Saturn/Leo is Karma with family, but Saturn in the first house is the most karmic position for this planet, particularly if this planet is intensified by being close to the Ascendant line. The first house depicts how you interface with the world, your appearance, self-esteem, and childhood. So an individual born with this placement would have childhood and self-esteem Karma. If Saturn has stressful aspects applied from other planets, there could be a very painful childhood and an inner security problem. This would be a result of some unfortunate action in a past life, where the person probably ignored forming a loving family bond, and directed his/her attention to selfish matters such as career.
There are all kinds of Karma that a person can have in a lifetime which may be revealed when examining the birth chart in general. Astrology allows for an analysis to understand ones' passion, pain or pleasure-pain syndrome. By zeroing in on what sign and house Saturn is in, and what types of aspects are formed from other planets, a significant karmic picture can be generated. Aspects between Saturn, and the Moon, Rising Sign, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Sun, under square and opposition, are going to have more of a severe significant effect Karmically. Of course aspects between other planets can signify Karma, but Saturn tends to be generally more prolific. Saturn contracts situations, events and opportunity.
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