Sadhak got a divine message saying that you need healing. Sadhak's colleague and Taiwanese Lady in Fortworth USA has done initial pranic healing to Sadhak after sadhak requested her for healing. Sadhak felt good and asked her how to learn pranic healing. Taiwanese Lady guided sadhak to for more information. Sadhak has attended Pranic Healing Level 1 Course in Dallas, USA in July, 2006 and Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul(Meditations for Soul Realization) Course in Dallas, USA in June, 2006. Master was one of the Senior and Direct disciple of Founder Guru of Pranic Healing. The first day when Sadhak met Master with handshake, Sadhak felt some energy flowed into him and felt something opened up on top of his head.
In Pranic Healing Level 1 Course Sadhak learned so many things and found out that his spiritual eye is being opened in the very high spiritual energy environment. Sadhak has been asked to do practise pranic healing with other Lady student mutually in the First day course. When Sadhak was doing pranic healing on other American Lady Student, Master advised sadhak to step forward and go nearer to lady student. Suddenly Sadhak was started seeing(through Third Eye) some blue energy coming out of solar plexus of Lady Student. After Completion of Pranic healing process in the first day, Lady Student started feeling pain on her backside from head to toe after going home. She reported the same problem to Master in the next day, Master told her that something very good happened to her and pain will go away. Sadhak has asked Lady Student about the details. Lady Student told sadhak that her husband got expired one month ago and she was having deep hurt, anxiety and depressing moments. During the process she lost the deep hurt, anxiety and depression. But Sadhak didn't understand why the pain came on her backside. While reading books Sadhak found out that when somebody looses the dear ones and having lot of deep hurt in their heart. The dearone atma(including etheric body, astral body...etc) trying to pacify her hurt but couldn't communicate her anyway. The dearone atma will not peaceful by seeing the lady student's feeling of hurt and couldn't passthrough the lower dimensions to higher dimenions. The dearone atma is trying attach himself to lady student on the backside by pushing the lady student atma slightly. After the dearone atma is being removed during pranic healing process, the lady student atma(including etheric body, astral body, mind body, bliss body..etc) is getting readjusted to its normal position. During this readjusting process Lady student felt pain on her backside. On the second day students were asked to get relieved pains thorugh pranic healing process if they have any. Sadhak has asked other student whether he has any pain. Other student told that he has pain on his shoulder. Sadhak closed his eyes and started seeing other student's shoulder through third eye. Sadhak found out white patches in 3 places in the Shoulder. Sadhak found out through third eye that 3 patches were getting cleared while doing pranic healing process. Other Student felt that pain energy got removed through pranic healing process. During pranic healing energising process Sadhak found some water vapours are coming out of other student's shoulder. Other Student felt very hot in his shoulder. Sadhak's hand was feeling very hot when sadhak kept his hand nearer to Other Student's Shoulder. Sadhak thought he did something wrong by giving more energy. Immediately sadhak has used his hand to rub other student shoulder's to scatter the given energy. After 1 minute Other Student told Sadhak that he got releived from pain Completly.
Sadhak had several great meditative experiences in the Course Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul. During the course Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul(Meditations for Soul Realization), During course break times, Sadhak has tried to talk to Master several times regarding what he is going through in the life. As soon as sadhak went near to Master, Master avoided Sadhak several times. At onetime Sadhak got hold of Master, then Master told sadhak you have to take careof yourself. You have to do healing by yourself. Somehow, Master is afraid of talking to sadhak and not interested to stay very near to sadhak. Even Sadhak went near to him, he was looking as if some dangerous thing has come near to him. But Sadhak was trying to tell Master what Sadhak was going through spiritually and trying to seek some answers. At one time, he told in the class that one student in this class was a Genghis Khan -- Mongolian Warrior. Sadhak thought that he got his answer, later Sadhak found out that samething as true through many other circumstances/sources/Gurus.
Sadhak is able to see through his third eye because Pranic healing Master given lot of spiritual energy during the course. Taiwanese lady(Sadhak's Colleague) has approached Sadhak to help her to do pranic healing for Cancer Patient at her house. Sadhak told taiwanese lady we are beginners only and we are not suppose to attempt pranic healing for Cancer Patients. Only Masters are suppose to attempt pranic healing for cancer patients. As Taiwanese Lady has so much compassion towards Cancer Patient, she wanted to help cancer patient. Then Sadhak told Taiwanese lady that let us request Founder Guru to be present(Not Physical Presence but Divine Presence) here and use both of us as tools while doing pranic healing process for Cancer Patient. Sadhak told Taiwanese lady that Sadhak will be using his clairvoyancy(seeing through third eye) only to narrate what is happening while Taiwanese lady is performing the actual pranic healing process as an instrument for Founder Guru. Sadhak has requested Founder Guru through divine prayer to do Pranic healing for Cancer Patient. Sadhak has got divine reply saying that if you request then I would definitely come. Sadhak has requested Founder Guru's divine presence with firm belief. Sadhak and Taiwanese Lady has decided to attempt Pranic Healing Process for Cancer Patient on August 1st, 2006.
Date: 08/01/2006
Patient’s Name: SMR
Divine Presence: Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba,
Supreme Master Ching Hai, Master Stephen Co.
Pranic Healer and Performer: Taiwanese Lady(YT)
Clairvoyant/Pranic Healer : Sadhak(SV)
Assistant Pranic Healer : Taiwanese Lady‘s Husband(CJ)
Patient’s Problem : Liver Cancer
Patient is at his early 40’s with Spouse and 2 Kids. The Patient has liver cancer and contacted YT’s husband (CJ) for help. CJ performed pranic healing and Patient felt more comfortable after each healing session. The Patient got donor for liver transplanting. The healing was stopped when YT and her husband(CJ) went back to Taiwan. The healing service was stopped for 2 months. After the liver transplant, the doctor found that there were small amount of cancer cells outside/near the liver and started the chemo therapy right after the transplant. The Patient did not follow the vegetarian diet as per the dietician and doctor’s advice. Few weeks later, during Patient‘s regular checkup the doctor found out that the cancer cells were expanded and spreading back to liver . The doctor told Patient that he did not know why it happened and were not sure he can 100% control the Liver Cancer. The doctor told the Patient, he just tried all the possible cure methods that he can do. The Patient has contacted YT’s husband (CJ) again for help. Now Patient feels that he is in deep trouble as Doctor is out of options to try.
The Patient came to the YT’s house at 7 PM. YT explained to the Patient that he needed to keep the vegetarian diet and make monetary donation to the charity in order to gain the blessing and mercy from the masters. SV arrived around 7:30 PM. SV told CJ to plan healing at the backside of the House as lot of negative energy could come out but CJ was more comfortable in doing the healing inside the house.
SV has done initial Aura checkup Clairvoyantly for Patient before starting the process. SV couldn’t find the Aura for the Patient. Normally If you couldn’t find Aura for any person means that person is going to die very soon.SV and YT have invited Sadguru Shirdi SaiBaba, Supreme Master Ching-Hai, Pranic Healing Founder Guru, Pranic Healing Senior Master to have divine presence and let Pranic Healing Founder Guru to perform the healing by using YT, SV, CJ as his instruments.
SV reminded YT to clean the upper chakras and not to energize the lower chakras.
YT started general sweeping using crystal with whitish green light (WGL). After general sweeping, YT followed by localized sweeping on the lungs, front and back heart chakras with whitish violet light (WVL). SV saw the energy started coming out of the patient’s lower chakras slowly and gradually increased the intensity. YT felt itchiness on her left foot and it went away after few seconds. One time, the negative energy covered YT’s whole hand, the crystal could not hold it. SV reminded YT to clean the hand and crystal as the negative energy is moving along with YT’s hands. YT did feel discomfort in the front of her lower right arm. SV requested YT to direct the negative energy directly from the patient to the basket through tip of the finger/crystal instead of absorbing and then putting into salt basket to avoid the contamination’.
SV prayed Grand Master Choa Kok Sui to show Grand Master’s presence and SV saw the Grand Master Choa Kok Sui‘s hand coming out of Master’s photo to patient and going back to Photo. YT felt Grand Master Choa Kok Sui’s Presence in her while doing Pranic Healing. While YT is doing Pranic Healing SV is watching and directing front negative energy to the 2 salt water baskets (located at the patient’s right and left side.) SV saw scorpion came out from patient’s upper back. SV directed it to the salt water. The scorpion went half way to the salt water and came back towards patient and SV. SV asked YT to do more intense healing (YT used the PRANIC PSYCHOTHERAPY sweeping technique) on the back solar plexus. SV opened his eyes for a second and closed his eyes to make sure that he is watching the Current Action of Pranic healing and to avoid mind’s play. After he closed his eyes again, he could not see the scorpion again and did not know where did the scorpion went. SV has not found the scorpion since then. The patient felt pain on the shoulder. Since SV was wondering what happened to scorpion and he was not able to concentrate for 1 minute. Then SV saw the negative energy on the Shoulder and told that it is due to negative energy settling on the shoulder like a dust settling. When lot of dust come out, some of the dust fall and settle on the patient and might cause discomfort which SV thought it is normal. According to JC, when he did the sweeping on the patient, the negative energy came out and caused the pain. JC asked YT to remove the pain energy then YT has removed the pain energy.
After that, SV asked YT to go back to the basic chakra. since he did not see anything coming out, SV asked YT to use the intense sweeping. SV saw the basic chakra was moving slowly and covered with some kind of Gummy Negative Energy. SV asked YT to use Electric Violet Energy for Cleaning heavy and Gummy Negative Energy. Gradually Basic chakra started rotating after intense Sweeping with Electric Violet Energy. SV saw the steam of negative energy coming out. Finally SV saw a red spot in the middle of the basic chakra. YT has done lot of intense sweeping on all the Front Chakras and SV saw lot of negative energy coming out of Front Chakras and directed energy towards both the Salt water Baskets. YT went back to sweep the back solar plexus again. While YT was sweeping the back, All the front chakras started releasing the negative energy with full force. SV saw a negative force shooting out from the patient’s front chakras like bullets. The negative energy bullets were shooting at Grand master Choa’s picture. SV also saw that the Grand Master Choa Kok Sui bundled all the negative energy and thrown it into to the salt water. Meantime, from the patient’s back chakras, a light brown worm came out from his back heart chakra and it was thrown to the salt water. SV asked YT to sweep the crown chakra. SV saw the patient’s head flipped open from the side just like a cover was opened. A white negative energy came out just like a steam out of boiling hot pot. Back to the front sweeping again, a big solid white negative energy looked like the shape of pig came out from the front heart chakra. It was struggling in the salt water and salt water not able to dissolve the Strong and Solid Negative Energy and the whole room is getting occupied with lot of negative energy. SV asked YT to create an electric violet fire (EVF) to dissolve the strong negative energy. All the strong negative energy disappeared in a second.
While working on front solar plexus chakra JC saw negative energy shoot out from the back side. SV was looking in the Front side and could not see the back side activity. Immediately, the patient felt pain in the back solar plexus and the patient’s body was little shaking. Then SV saw a big rotating hollow black hole and asked YT to clean more. While YT working on front chakras One time there was a cord came out from the patient to YT’s hand and wrapped around the crystal. The crystal could not absorb the energy anymore. SV asked YT to clean the hand and cut the cord. At one time SV saw the negative energy is going towards patient’s wife and SV immediately spread Grand master’s cleansing water onto the patient’s wife.
SV started to see lot of snakes (in different sizes, there were tiny one’s, small ones, medium ones, and large ones) came out from the patient’s front solar plexus chakra. SV directed the snakes to the 2 salt water baskets and asked YT to create Electric Violet Fire to dissolve them. In the front, a big fish came out from the patient. The big fish fall down outside the salt water basket and struggling & flipping. SV asked YT to create Electric Violet Fire to dissolve the fish. After the fire, the fish is not moving but the body(corpse) was still laid on the floor. YT started to sweep Ajna, jaw and throat chakras. SV did not see anything coming out. YT and SV decided to stop the healing. YT doesn’t want to energize the patient as it is not advisable for cancer. SV asked YT to send the Electric Violet Energy(divine energy) to the patient since it has the God’s consciousness. YT energized the patient with Electric Violet Energy. It was 10 pm when the session completed. Before the healing, SV could not see patient’s aura. In the middle of the sweeping and after the healing was complete, SV saw patient’s inner aura light.
SV and YT Cleaned up themselves and the YT's house using Grand master’s cleansing water.
SV went back to his home and felt tingling sensations on the legs. SV went to bathroom directly through hall and had a complete bath. The tingling sensations came back into the SV’s legs again as SV was coming back from bathroom and passed through hall. SV went to meditation room directly to complete his night meditation.
At 1:00 am(Late Night) after completion of Puja and meditation, SV started thinking why he is still feeling tingling sensations and felt that something is missing.
SV did mass house cleanup of SV’s entire apartment and sent the negative energy to the Atlantic Ocean. SV did the mass house cleanup of YT’s house also where cancer patient‘s healing was performed and SV sent negative energy into the Atlantic Ocean. While YT’s mass house cleaning up, SV saw a big cow (with black and white spots) moved out of YT’s house to the Atlantic Ocean which was not released during Pranic Healing Process for Cancer Patient on August 1st,2006. SV sent all the Negative energy(including pig, snakes, fish,…etc) to Atlantic Ocean which was released during Pranic Healing Process of Cancer Patient.
At 4:00 AM, SV woke up and saw a light beam shooting up to the sky from YT’s house. SV wondered what is going on in YT’s house. SV got the message that some of the snake beings (Negative Energy beings) are reluctant to move out of that place and are not happy. SV has told snakes(Negative Energy beings) to move out through the light beam. The snakes told SV that the patient harmed us before, and he suppose to suffer, But he has been relieved from pain without loosing anything.
SV has told snakes that what you would get if you make him suffer again. But if you are ready to move through light then he can request Lord Siva and Shirdi Sai Baba to transfer patient’s ancient merit (equivalent to the karmic’s pain) to the snakes to make snakes happy. Some Snakes are happy to go now after taking patient‘s Ancient Merits.
SV sent all the snakes and other karmic beings into the Atlantic ocean after passing through electric violet fire. SV Sent all the snakes and other karmic beings from Atlantic Ocean to Lord Shiva. SV Requested Lord Shiva to put the snakes(and other karmic beings) into Life Recycling and make them ready for reincarnation. Lord Shiva has taken care of all the beings that were released (and who are ready for Life Recycling) during this pranic healing process.
SV try to put off the Electric Violet fire after the cleanup, it didn’t work. Fire god was still burning near Atlantic Ocean and not leaving off. SV Requested Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba to put the fire off. Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba told fire god to go down, down, down. Fire god vanished by bowing down to Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba. SV asked Fire god that why he didn’t leave When SV was requested, Fire god told SV that he wanted to test SV’s patience. SV told Fire god that he was sorry and would be careful next time not to use Fire god indiscriminately. SV told Fire god that There was no ego when he called the Fire god and requested to forgive him. Fire god told SV that he can invoke fire and put off anytime he wants here afterwards.
YT told CJ regarding the missing Scorpion, CJ said he found the missing Scorpion hidden back of Buddha’s statue after 3 Days and CJ has cleaned it up and it is gone.
SV was still feeling the snakes presence at his home. Snakes were hissing angrily in SV’s wife dreams. SV also saw astral angry hissing of a snake when he closed his eyes.
During SV’s Meditation, SV went to Nagaloka and requested King’s(Nagaraja) help for cleaning up of snakes from SV‘s house as some of the snakes are still very angry and not listening to SV‘s Request to moveout. Nagaraja from Nagaloka came to SV’s house and cleaned up all the snake beings in SV’s house and taken back to Nagaloka.
While narrating the Nagaraja’s miracle to YT, YT mentioned to SV about Snakes presence in YT’s Stomach. As soon as SV saw the movements of Snakes in YT’s stomach, Snakes are moved into SV’s Stomach from YT’s Stomach and started moving in SV‘s Stomach.
During SV’s mediation, he requested Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba, Supreme Master Ching-Hai, Grand master Choa Kok Sui and Master Stephen Co to come and clean up his stomach. SV saw that the Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba, Supreme Master Ching-Hai, Grand master Choa Kok Sui and Master Stephen Co came and unzipped the SV’s body from top to bottom and found there were snakes in his left upper abdominal area. Grand Master Choa Kok Sui taken the snakes away and put them into basket for dissolving. Grand Master Choa Kok Sui and Gurus have cleaned up SV’s body and all body parts using Electric Violet Energy from Head to Toe and Toe to Head. Gurus have advised caution to Siva for doing healing for others.
Most of the snakes were dissolved but there was one big snake which was very angry and didn’t want to go. SV called Lord Shiva to take care the vicious one. The snakes wrapped around Lord Shiva’s hand and bit Lord Shiva, and then more snakes came, Lord Shiva bundled all the snakes and dissolved them.
SV reminded YT that she needs to ask the Grand master Choa Kok Sui and Master Stephen Co to clean her up as well. SV and YT are all think to deal with the Karmic energy is very dangerous things.
Without strong spiritual beliefs, spiritual practice, and the spiritual masters’ divine blessing and divine protection, It is impossible for a human being to deal with the karmic energy without hurting himself/herself.
Interview with Cancer Patient after Healing Session revealed that Cancer Patient did the Following activities during this Life Time.
1. Cancer Patient was fond of Fishing and does Fishing all the Time.
2. Cancer Patient killed the Cow by Severing the head of Cow in one Blow.
3. Cancer Patient killed the Pig for Eating Pig's meat.
4. Cancer Patient killed the Snakes one or two in this life time but not so many.
That Snakes Karma might be related to previous incarnations.
On August 10th 2006, the patient went back for check up. The patient’s oncologist thought the cancer cells were still existed and suggested the patient to take 2 injections weekly.
One day Sadhak after meditation taking rest in Shavasan Posture with eyes closed, suddenly sadhak listened the sound of thunder and lightning. Sadhak found his inner whitish subtle body slowly coming out of physical body. Sadhak got wondered he is able to see his physical body as well as his inner light whitish subtle body which is coming out. Inner whitish subtle body came out of physical body upto Thighs and Legs are suddenly fallen back into physical body.
One day Sadhak's Inner Subtle body went up and started loosing inner bodies as sadhak goes up and moving with burning flames. After loosing inner bodies and sadhak reached Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva asked Sadhak why did you come. Immediately Sadguru Shirdi Saibaba and Supreme Master Ching Hai appeared beside Sadhak and infront of Lord Shiva. Sadguru Shirdi Saibaba and Supreme Master Ching Hai Requested Lord Shiva to bless Sadhak and Lord Shiva Blessed Sadhak and asked him to go back.
One day Sadhak's Inner Subtle body was moving very fast, suddenly Lord Vishnu appeared, Sadhak's Inner Subtle body was moving through Lord Vishnu's Solar Plexus and Keep moving and reached Lord Shiva.
One day during sleep at night, suddenly some lady with Astral body has come to Sadhak for help saying that some people are chasing her. Immediately Sadhak's Astral body came out of his physical body to attack and destroy intimidators with Reddish Power in hand, then suddenly Shirdi Saibaba and Supreme Master Ching Hai Stopped Sadhak by holding his hands tightly. Sadhak couldn't move his hands at all. Shirdi Saibaba and Supreme Master Ching Hai Advised Sadhak not to loose good spiritual status by doing these acts of aggression. You have come to this stage after facing lot of hurdles, don't loose this stage by doing unnecessary acts of aggression.
Sadhak has Completed MCKS Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul(Meditations for Soul Realization) Course in June, 2006 in Dallas, USA.
Sadhak has Completed MCKS Pranic Healing Level 1 Course in July, 2006 in Dallas, USA.
Sadhak has Completed MCKS Yoga Vidya Advanced Pranic Healing Course in August, 2008 in Hyderabad, India.
Sadhak has Completed MCKS Yoga Vidya Pranic Physhotherapy Course in August, 2008 in Hyderabad, India.
Sadhak has Completed MCKS Arhatic Yoga Preparatory Level(PREP-II) Course in September, 2008 in Hyderabad, India.
Sadhak has Completed MCKS Spiritual Business Management Course in November, 2008 in Hyderabad,India
In Pranic Healing Level 1 Course Sadhak learned so many things and found out that his spiritual eye is being opened in the very high spiritual energy environment. Sadhak has been asked to do practise pranic healing with other Lady student mutually in the First day course. When Sadhak was doing pranic healing on other American Lady Student, Master advised sadhak to step forward and go nearer to lady student. Suddenly Sadhak was started seeing(through Third Eye) some blue energy coming out of solar plexus of Lady Student. After Completion of Pranic healing process in the first day, Lady Student started feeling pain on her backside from head to toe after going home. She reported the same problem to Master in the next day, Master told her that something very good happened to her and pain will go away. Sadhak has asked Lady Student about the details. Lady Student told sadhak that her husband got expired one month ago and she was having deep hurt, anxiety and depressing moments. During the process she lost the deep hurt, anxiety and depression. But Sadhak didn't understand why the pain came on her backside. While reading books Sadhak found out that when somebody looses the dear ones and having lot of deep hurt in their heart. The dearone atma(including etheric body, astral body...etc) trying to pacify her hurt but couldn't communicate her anyway. The dearone atma will not peaceful by seeing the lady student's feeling of hurt and couldn't passthrough the lower dimensions to higher dimenions. The dearone atma is trying attach himself to lady student on the backside by pushing the lady student atma slightly. After the dearone atma is being removed during pranic healing process, the lady student atma(including etheric body, astral body, mind body, bliss body..etc) is getting readjusted to its normal position. During this readjusting process Lady student felt pain on her backside. On the second day students were asked to get relieved pains thorugh pranic healing process if they have any. Sadhak has asked other student whether he has any pain. Other student told that he has pain on his shoulder. Sadhak closed his eyes and started seeing other student's shoulder through third eye. Sadhak found out white patches in 3 places in the Shoulder. Sadhak found out through third eye that 3 patches were getting cleared while doing pranic healing process. Other Student felt that pain energy got removed through pranic healing process. During pranic healing energising process Sadhak found some water vapours are coming out of other student's shoulder. Other Student felt very hot in his shoulder. Sadhak's hand was feeling very hot when sadhak kept his hand nearer to Other Student's Shoulder. Sadhak thought he did something wrong by giving more energy. Immediately sadhak has used his hand to rub other student shoulder's to scatter the given energy. After 1 minute Other Student told Sadhak that he got releived from pain Completly.
Sadhak had several great meditative experiences in the Course Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul. During the course Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul(Meditations for Soul Realization), During course break times, Sadhak has tried to talk to Master several times regarding what he is going through in the life. As soon as sadhak went near to Master, Master avoided Sadhak several times. At onetime Sadhak got hold of Master, then Master told sadhak you have to take careof yourself. You have to do healing by yourself. Somehow, Master is afraid of talking to sadhak and not interested to stay very near to sadhak. Even Sadhak went near to him, he was looking as if some dangerous thing has come near to him. But Sadhak was trying to tell Master what Sadhak was going through spiritually and trying to seek some answers. At one time, he told in the class that one student in this class was a Genghis Khan -- Mongolian Warrior. Sadhak thought that he got his answer, later Sadhak found out that samething as true through many other circumstances/sources/Gurus.
Sadhak is able to see through his third eye because Pranic healing Master given lot of spiritual energy during the course. Taiwanese lady(Sadhak's Colleague) has approached Sadhak to help her to do pranic healing for Cancer Patient at her house. Sadhak told taiwanese lady we are beginners only and we are not suppose to attempt pranic healing for Cancer Patients. Only Masters are suppose to attempt pranic healing for cancer patients. As Taiwanese Lady has so much compassion towards Cancer Patient, she wanted to help cancer patient. Then Sadhak told Taiwanese lady that let us request Founder Guru to be present(Not Physical Presence but Divine Presence) here and use both of us as tools while doing pranic healing process for Cancer Patient. Sadhak told Taiwanese lady that Sadhak will be using his clairvoyancy(seeing through third eye) only to narrate what is happening while Taiwanese lady is performing the actual pranic healing process as an instrument for Founder Guru. Sadhak has requested Founder Guru through divine prayer to do Pranic healing for Cancer Patient. Sadhak has got divine reply saying that if you request then I would definitely come. Sadhak has requested Founder Guru's divine presence with firm belief. Sadhak and Taiwanese Lady has decided to attempt Pranic Healing Process for Cancer Patient on August 1st, 2006.
Date: 08/01/2006
Patient’s Name: SMR
Divine Presence: Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba,
Supreme Master Ching Hai, Master Stephen Co.
Pranic Healer and Performer: Taiwanese Lady(YT)
Clairvoyant/Pranic Healer : Sadhak(SV)
Assistant Pranic Healer : Taiwanese Lady‘s Husband(CJ)
Patient’s Problem : Liver Cancer
Patient is at his early 40’s with Spouse and 2 Kids. The Patient has liver cancer and contacted YT’s husband (CJ) for help. CJ performed pranic healing and Patient felt more comfortable after each healing session. The Patient got donor for liver transplanting. The healing was stopped when YT and her husband(CJ) went back to Taiwan. The healing service was stopped for 2 months. After the liver transplant, the doctor found that there were small amount of cancer cells outside/near the liver and started the chemo therapy right after the transplant. The Patient did not follow the vegetarian diet as per the dietician and doctor’s advice. Few weeks later, during Patient‘s regular checkup the doctor found out that the cancer cells were expanded and spreading back to liver . The doctor told Patient that he did not know why it happened and were not sure he can 100% control the Liver Cancer. The doctor told the Patient, he just tried all the possible cure methods that he can do. The Patient has contacted YT’s husband (CJ) again for help. Now Patient feels that he is in deep trouble as Doctor is out of options to try.
The Patient came to the YT’s house at 7 PM. YT explained to the Patient that he needed to keep the vegetarian diet and make monetary donation to the charity in order to gain the blessing and mercy from the masters. SV arrived around 7:30 PM. SV told CJ to plan healing at the backside of the House as lot of negative energy could come out but CJ was more comfortable in doing the healing inside the house.
SV has done initial Aura checkup Clairvoyantly for Patient before starting the process. SV couldn’t find the Aura for the Patient. Normally If you couldn’t find Aura for any person means that person is going to die very soon.SV and YT have invited Sadguru Shirdi SaiBaba, Supreme Master Ching-Hai, Pranic Healing Founder Guru, Pranic Healing Senior Master to have divine presence and let Pranic Healing Founder Guru to perform the healing by using YT, SV, CJ as his instruments.
SV reminded YT to clean the upper chakras and not to energize the lower chakras.
YT started general sweeping using crystal with whitish green light (WGL). After general sweeping, YT followed by localized sweeping on the lungs, front and back heart chakras with whitish violet light (WVL). SV saw the energy started coming out of the patient’s lower chakras slowly and gradually increased the intensity. YT felt itchiness on her left foot and it went away after few seconds. One time, the negative energy covered YT’s whole hand, the crystal could not hold it. SV reminded YT to clean the hand and crystal as the negative energy is moving along with YT’s hands. YT did feel discomfort in the front of her lower right arm. SV requested YT to direct the negative energy directly from the patient to the basket through tip of the finger/crystal instead of absorbing and then putting into salt basket to avoid the contamination’.
SV prayed Grand Master Choa Kok Sui to show Grand Master’s presence and SV saw the Grand Master Choa Kok Sui‘s hand coming out of Master’s photo to patient and going back to Photo. YT felt Grand Master Choa Kok Sui’s Presence in her while doing Pranic Healing. While YT is doing Pranic Healing SV is watching and directing front negative energy to the 2 salt water baskets (located at the patient’s right and left side.) SV saw scorpion came out from patient’s upper back. SV directed it to the salt water. The scorpion went half way to the salt water and came back towards patient and SV. SV asked YT to do more intense healing (YT used the PRANIC PSYCHOTHERAPY sweeping technique) on the back solar plexus. SV opened his eyes for a second and closed his eyes to make sure that he is watching the Current Action of Pranic healing and to avoid mind’s play. After he closed his eyes again, he could not see the scorpion again and did not know where did the scorpion went. SV has not found the scorpion since then. The patient felt pain on the shoulder. Since SV was wondering what happened to scorpion and he was not able to concentrate for 1 minute. Then SV saw the negative energy on the Shoulder and told that it is due to negative energy settling on the shoulder like a dust settling. When lot of dust come out, some of the dust fall and settle on the patient and might cause discomfort which SV thought it is normal. According to JC, when he did the sweeping on the patient, the negative energy came out and caused the pain. JC asked YT to remove the pain energy then YT has removed the pain energy.
After that, SV asked YT to go back to the basic chakra. since he did not see anything coming out, SV asked YT to use the intense sweeping. SV saw the basic chakra was moving slowly and covered with some kind of Gummy Negative Energy. SV asked YT to use Electric Violet Energy for Cleaning heavy and Gummy Negative Energy. Gradually Basic chakra started rotating after intense Sweeping with Electric Violet Energy. SV saw the steam of negative energy coming out. Finally SV saw a red spot in the middle of the basic chakra. YT has done lot of intense sweeping on all the Front Chakras and SV saw lot of negative energy coming out of Front Chakras and directed energy towards both the Salt water Baskets. YT went back to sweep the back solar plexus again. While YT was sweeping the back, All the front chakras started releasing the negative energy with full force. SV saw a negative force shooting out from the patient’s front chakras like bullets. The negative energy bullets were shooting at Grand master Choa’s picture. SV also saw that the Grand Master Choa Kok Sui bundled all the negative energy and thrown it into to the salt water. Meantime, from the patient’s back chakras, a light brown worm came out from his back heart chakra and it was thrown to the salt water. SV asked YT to sweep the crown chakra. SV saw the patient’s head flipped open from the side just like a cover was opened. A white negative energy came out just like a steam out of boiling hot pot. Back to the front sweeping again, a big solid white negative energy looked like the shape of pig came out from the front heart chakra. It was struggling in the salt water and salt water not able to dissolve the Strong and Solid Negative Energy and the whole room is getting occupied with lot of negative energy. SV asked YT to create an electric violet fire (EVF) to dissolve the strong negative energy. All the strong negative energy disappeared in a second.
While working on front solar plexus chakra JC saw negative energy shoot out from the back side. SV was looking in the Front side and could not see the back side activity. Immediately, the patient felt pain in the back solar plexus and the patient’s body was little shaking. Then SV saw a big rotating hollow black hole and asked YT to clean more. While YT working on front chakras One time there was a cord came out from the patient to YT’s hand and wrapped around the crystal. The crystal could not absorb the energy anymore. SV asked YT to clean the hand and cut the cord. At one time SV saw the negative energy is going towards patient’s wife and SV immediately spread Grand master’s cleansing water onto the patient’s wife.
SV started to see lot of snakes (in different sizes, there were tiny one’s, small ones, medium ones, and large ones) came out from the patient’s front solar plexus chakra. SV directed the snakes to the 2 salt water baskets and asked YT to create Electric Violet Fire to dissolve them. In the front, a big fish came out from the patient. The big fish fall down outside the salt water basket and struggling & flipping. SV asked YT to create Electric Violet Fire to dissolve the fish. After the fire, the fish is not moving but the body(corpse) was still laid on the floor. YT started to sweep Ajna, jaw and throat chakras. SV did not see anything coming out. YT and SV decided to stop the healing. YT doesn’t want to energize the patient as it is not advisable for cancer. SV asked YT to send the Electric Violet Energy(divine energy) to the patient since it has the God’s consciousness. YT energized the patient with Electric Violet Energy. It was 10 pm when the session completed. Before the healing, SV could not see patient’s aura. In the middle of the sweeping and after the healing was complete, SV saw patient’s inner aura light.
SV and YT Cleaned up themselves and the YT's house using Grand master’s cleansing water.
SV went back to his home and felt tingling sensations on the legs. SV went to bathroom directly through hall and had a complete bath. The tingling sensations came back into the SV’s legs again as SV was coming back from bathroom and passed through hall. SV went to meditation room directly to complete his night meditation.
At 1:00 am(Late Night) after completion of Puja and meditation, SV started thinking why he is still feeling tingling sensations and felt that something is missing.
SV did mass house cleanup of SV’s entire apartment and sent the negative energy to the Atlantic Ocean. SV did the mass house cleanup of YT’s house also where cancer patient‘s healing was performed and SV sent negative energy into the Atlantic Ocean. While YT’s mass house cleaning up, SV saw a big cow (with black and white spots) moved out of YT’s house to the Atlantic Ocean which was not released during Pranic Healing Process for Cancer Patient on August 1st,2006. SV sent all the Negative energy(including pig, snakes, fish,…etc) to Atlantic Ocean which was released during Pranic Healing Process of Cancer Patient.
At 4:00 AM, SV woke up and saw a light beam shooting up to the sky from YT’s house. SV wondered what is going on in YT’s house. SV got the message that some of the snake beings (Negative Energy beings) are reluctant to move out of that place and are not happy. SV has told snakes(Negative Energy beings) to move out through the light beam. The snakes told SV that the patient harmed us before, and he suppose to suffer, But he has been relieved from pain without loosing anything.
SV has told snakes that what you would get if you make him suffer again. But if you are ready to move through light then he can request Lord Siva and Shirdi Sai Baba to transfer patient’s ancient merit (equivalent to the karmic’s pain) to the snakes to make snakes happy. Some Snakes are happy to go now after taking patient‘s Ancient Merits.
SV sent all the snakes and other karmic beings into the Atlantic ocean after passing through electric violet fire. SV Sent all the snakes and other karmic beings from Atlantic Ocean to Lord Shiva. SV Requested Lord Shiva to put the snakes(and other karmic beings) into Life Recycling and make them ready for reincarnation. Lord Shiva has taken care of all the beings that were released (and who are ready for Life Recycling) during this pranic healing process.
SV try to put off the Electric Violet fire after the cleanup, it didn’t work. Fire god was still burning near Atlantic Ocean and not leaving off. SV Requested Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba to put the fire off. Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba told fire god to go down, down, down. Fire god vanished by bowing down to Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba. SV asked Fire god that why he didn’t leave When SV was requested, Fire god told SV that he wanted to test SV’s patience. SV told Fire god that he was sorry and would be careful next time not to use Fire god indiscriminately. SV told Fire god that There was no ego when he called the Fire god and requested to forgive him. Fire god told SV that he can invoke fire and put off anytime he wants here afterwards.
YT told CJ regarding the missing Scorpion, CJ said he found the missing Scorpion hidden back of Buddha’s statue after 3 Days and CJ has cleaned it up and it is gone.
SV was still feeling the snakes presence at his home. Snakes were hissing angrily in SV’s wife dreams. SV also saw astral angry hissing of a snake when he closed his eyes.
During SV’s Meditation, SV went to Nagaloka and requested King’s(Nagaraja) help for cleaning up of snakes from SV‘s house as some of the snakes are still very angry and not listening to SV‘s Request to moveout. Nagaraja from Nagaloka came to SV’s house and cleaned up all the snake beings in SV’s house and taken back to Nagaloka.
While narrating the Nagaraja’s miracle to YT, YT mentioned to SV about Snakes presence in YT’s Stomach. As soon as SV saw the movements of Snakes in YT’s stomach, Snakes are moved into SV’s Stomach from YT’s Stomach and started moving in SV‘s Stomach.
During SV’s mediation, he requested Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba, Supreme Master Ching-Hai, Grand master Choa Kok Sui and Master Stephen Co to come and clean up his stomach. SV saw that the Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba, Supreme Master Ching-Hai, Grand master Choa Kok Sui and Master Stephen Co came and unzipped the SV’s body from top to bottom and found there were snakes in his left upper abdominal area. Grand Master Choa Kok Sui taken the snakes away and put them into basket for dissolving. Grand Master Choa Kok Sui and Gurus have cleaned up SV’s body and all body parts using Electric Violet Energy from Head to Toe and Toe to Head. Gurus have advised caution to Siva for doing healing for others.
Most of the snakes were dissolved but there was one big snake which was very angry and didn’t want to go. SV called Lord Shiva to take care the vicious one. The snakes wrapped around Lord Shiva’s hand and bit Lord Shiva, and then more snakes came, Lord Shiva bundled all the snakes and dissolved them.
SV reminded YT that she needs to ask the Grand master Choa Kok Sui and Master Stephen Co to clean her up as well. SV and YT are all think to deal with the Karmic energy is very dangerous things.
Without strong spiritual beliefs, spiritual practice, and the spiritual masters’ divine blessing and divine protection, It is impossible for a human being to deal with the karmic energy without hurting himself/herself.
Interview with Cancer Patient after Healing Session revealed that Cancer Patient did the Following activities during this Life Time.
1. Cancer Patient was fond of Fishing and does Fishing all the Time.
2. Cancer Patient killed the Cow by Severing the head of Cow in one Blow.
3. Cancer Patient killed the Pig for Eating Pig's meat.
4. Cancer Patient killed the Snakes one or two in this life time but not so many.
That Snakes Karma might be related to previous incarnations.
On August 10th 2006, the patient went back for check up. The patient’s oncologist thought the cancer cells were still existed and suggested the patient to take 2 injections weekly.
One day Sadhak after meditation taking rest in Shavasan Posture with eyes closed, suddenly sadhak listened the sound of thunder and lightning. Sadhak found his inner whitish subtle body slowly coming out of physical body. Sadhak got wondered he is able to see his physical body as well as his inner light whitish subtle body which is coming out. Inner whitish subtle body came out of physical body upto Thighs and Legs are suddenly fallen back into physical body.
One day Sadhak's Inner Subtle body went up and started loosing inner bodies as sadhak goes up and moving with burning flames. After loosing inner bodies and sadhak reached Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva asked Sadhak why did you come. Immediately Sadguru Shirdi Saibaba and Supreme Master Ching Hai appeared beside Sadhak and infront of Lord Shiva. Sadguru Shirdi Saibaba and Supreme Master Ching Hai Requested Lord Shiva to bless Sadhak and Lord Shiva Blessed Sadhak and asked him to go back.
One day Sadhak's Inner Subtle body was moving very fast, suddenly Lord Vishnu appeared, Sadhak's Inner Subtle body was moving through Lord Vishnu's Solar Plexus and Keep moving and reached Lord Shiva.
One day during sleep at night, suddenly some lady with Astral body has come to Sadhak for help saying that some people are chasing her. Immediately Sadhak's Astral body came out of his physical body to attack and destroy intimidators with Reddish Power in hand, then suddenly Shirdi Saibaba and Supreme Master Ching Hai Stopped Sadhak by holding his hands tightly. Sadhak couldn't move his hands at all. Shirdi Saibaba and Supreme Master Ching Hai Advised Sadhak not to loose good spiritual status by doing these acts of aggression. You have come to this stage after facing lot of hurdles, don't loose this stage by doing unnecessary acts of aggression.
Sadhak has Completed MCKS Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul(Meditations for Soul Realization) Course in June, 2006 in Dallas, USA.
Sadhak has Completed MCKS Pranic Healing Level 1 Course in July, 2006 in Dallas, USA.
Sadhak has Completed MCKS Yoga Vidya Advanced Pranic Healing Course in August, 2008 in Hyderabad, India.
Sadhak has Completed MCKS Yoga Vidya Pranic Physhotherapy Course in August, 2008 in Hyderabad, India.
Sadhak has Completed MCKS Arhatic Yoga Preparatory Level(PREP-II) Course in September, 2008 in Hyderabad, India.
Sadhak has Completed MCKS Spiritual Business Management Course in November, 2008 in Hyderabad,India
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